There are also two children born during the crossing to Italy among the 218 people who landed last night at the port of Crotone.

The boat they were on board was intercepted by a naval unit of the Guardia di Finanza off the Calabrian coast. From the first testimonies it seems that the refugees, having arrived aboard a 16-meter yacht, left from the coast of Tripoli .

These are refugees of Syrian and Lebanese nationality : 116 minors and 26 women, while five are newborns.

The women who gave birth during the crossing were transferred with their babies to the city hospital.

The landing operations were coordinated by the Prefecture of Crotone. The reception activity was managed by the State Police and the Finance Police. The Suem 118 is also present at the port for health checks.

The refugees were transferred to the reception center of Isola Capo Rizzuto by the Italian Red Cross; in the structure they will have to be subjected to a swab and will remain in quarantine as per the provisions of the anti-Covid legislation .

(Unioneonline / D)

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