«My daughter worked, she assisted the children in the swimming pool during the day, she had the money. The carabinieri found 90 euros in his bedroom, so this story of the debt is nonsense . What are you doing? Are you killing me because I didn't give you 40 euros? No, I think that if it's money that interests you, you can also wait a day. But I repeat, Michelle had the money ».

Speaking is Daniela Bertoneri , the mother of Michelle Causo , the 17-year-old girl murdered in Primavalle, on the outskirts of Rome, a murder which according to the investigators was committed by a man of her age and whose motive was, in fact, a debt of non paid for a few euros .

«I think it was all premeditated - says the teenager's mother in an interview with Corriere della Sera - He called her on the phone twice on Wednesday, the day she died. He already had that intention, evidently. And then at home you don't usually have such big plastic bags for garbage. He had already got them, I think.'

Bertoneri also tries to hypothesize another possible motive: « Perhaps my daughter had discovered something shady , that boy was spreading videos of young girls on social networks, perhaps my daughter wanted to protect her friend from possible blackmail. Or maybe he fell in love with her and killed her when she refused .'

As for the 17-year-old arrested, «I spoke to him a few times, he seemed fine to me. Now I think he may really have a dark side, a black soul that we didn't know," says Michelle's mom. Who also has doubts about whether the young man could have done it all by himself: «Too dry. How could he carry the corpse of a girl weighing 60 kilos by himself?».

In addition to the questions, the pain for the loss of her daughter remains above all: «Now I am waiting for justice. But a full sentence, not a small one just because he is a minor".

Michelle's fiancé also spoke of the murder, speaking to the microphones of the Rai broadcast "Live life": «He has never cheated on me. She rejected advances and was killed for it .'


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