«Dramatic news events shake the conscience of the country. A human society, inspired by civilizational criteria, cannot accept, cannot tolerate the steady stream of attacks on women, if not their murder . The incurable pain and pain of wounded families and communities is everyone's torment. When we find ourselves faced with a murdered woman, the broken life of a young person, a person humiliated verbally or in the gestures of everyday life, in the family, in the workplace, at school, we realize that behind this violence there is the failure of a society that is unable to promote real equal relationships between women and men ."

This is Sergio Mattarella 's message on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women .

«The number of women victims of aggression and oppression – continues the President of the Republic – is itself a denunciation of the existence of a phenomenon not linked only to anomalous situations. We cannot limit ourselves to intermittently opposing it with indignation . We are far from the rooting of that profound cultural change that our Constitutional Charter indicates."

For the Head of State we need to "speed up a path in which women and men meet to build a better humanity together, in difference and solidarity, aware that there can be no love without respect and acceptance of the freedom of others ". We need to build a path "in which women achieve equality because they are free to grow, free to know, free to be free , in the spirit of the Istanbul Convention, to which the European Union has joined, an important sign of a universal vision of self-determination and equal rights for women and a decisive step in outlining the framework of interventions against gender violence".


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