A labor consultant from Moncalieri, in the Turin area, was arrested by the Finance Police. The charges are those of usury and extortion. According to the Fiamme Gialle, it applied interest rates up to 120% per annum, and the owner of a tobacconist's bar ended up in the trap.

In July 2021 the investigation began: the tobacconist, finding himself in economic difficulties, had turned to the professional on the advice of his own employee, who would have taken care of acting as an intermediary for the collection and delivery of the money. But later the entrepreneur's health conditions worsened also due to the alleged pressures received by the usurer, which led the investigators to hypothesize the accusation of extortion, to the point of being forced to sell his business.

Over 20,000 euros in cash hidden in the bottom of a wardrobe and 2 Rolex watches were seized from the professional.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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