Still fear for the infections from Covid-19 in the province of Padua, where four elderly people, three men and a woman, ended up in intensive care at the hospital of the Euganean capital, after taking part in a party for the 50th anniversary of some marriages .

The infected are aged between 70 and 80, and are in serious condition, as confirmed by the Padua Hospital. Among them there is also one of the couples who had celebrated the golden anniversary.

The infection would spread during a lunch held last Sunday, in the Padua area. Within a couple of days, the four elders experienced the first symptoms of the infection. But by the time they got to the emergency room, their condition was already serious and rapidly deteriorating, and they were transferred to intensive care.

According to the hospital, it is the first time for Padua that an entire group of infected people ends up so quickly from accessing the hospital to resuscitation. All four infected were vaccinated against Covid, but two had previous pathologies. The date of their vaccination would not be recent.

"We are doing all the necessary investigations very quickly - said the general director of the University of Padua Hospital, Giuseppe Dal Ben -. While the treatments for these patients are proceeding, we immediately activated the procedures to start the analysis of samples. taken from the four hospitalized people, who were also sent to the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie which will have the task of carrying out an accurate sequencing activity. We strongly reiterate the appeal that the rules of prudence, especially in the case of gatherings, must always be strictly observed ".

The Ulss 6 Euganea company will carry out the epidemiological investigation, to verify whether the hospitalized infected people are the only ones or whether there is a larger cluster.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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