An arrest has been made for the murder of Alessio Cini, the 57-year-old textile technician originally from Prato who was found charred on the morning of January 8 in front of his house in the countryside of Agliana (Pistoia).

The provision was issued against a 58-year-old originally from Prato, Daniele Maiorino. This is the victim's brother-in-law and neighbor, the charge is murder aggravated by having acted with cruelty.

At first it was assumed that he had committed suicide: the autopsy later revealed that Cini had been brutally attacked before he was devoured by flames. He would have been hit with a bar on the head, multiple blows to the chest and then set on fire while he was still alive, although unconscious or semi-conscious.

Maiorino's motive would be linked to inheritance. The patrimonial investigations, as explained by the prosecutor's office, «have made it possible to identify the probable motive for the criminal act, which can be found in a difficult income situation for the suspect, and in an hereditary expectation that would have arisen from the death of Alessio Cini and of which he would have could indirectly benefit".

The Pistoia prosecutor's office also states that «the technical investigations - environmental interceptions in the suspect's car - recorded various conversations that he held with himself out loud (soliloquy), during which he reconstructed the moments of the attack on the victim , the modalities of the same, the deadly cause produced by this aggression, the image of the blood, the burning".

The investigations, conducted by the carabinieri of the Pistoia company, on the basis of the footage from the cameras in the area also made it possible to precisely indicate, explains the prosecutor, the time of the "criminal event", located between 5.52 and 5: 59 «with the recording of the images of the flashes» caused by the flames.


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