He shows up at the house of his ex, a disabled woman without one of her two lower limbs. The threat: "I'll kill you, set you on fire with petrol, cut off your other leg and put you in a wheelchair." The intervention of the police puts an end to the nightmare: a 50-year-old man was arrested. It happened during the night in Torre del Greco, in the province of Naples: now the man must answer for persecutory acts. The story, yet another linked to gender violence, sees the victim forced to lock herself up in her parents' house and a man who, not accepting the end of their brief relationship, began to persecute her, to the point of creating 27 different social profiles in order to blackmail her.

The turning point began around 6.30pm yesterday, when the Torre del Greco carabinieri received a report of a person who was threatening his ex-partner. The soldiers reach the house on the second floor and find the 50-year-old already known to the police and in a clear state of psychophysical alteration probably caused by the use of drugs. Even in the presence of the military he continues to threaten his ex. The victim, born in 1977, is in fact disabled and is missing a limb. She lives with her parents who - despite their advanced age - were the first to defend their daughter.

To stop the man, the two carabinieri who arrived on site had many difficulties and required the intervention of another gazelle to immobilize him and transfer him to the barracks. Later, the victim also arrives in the offices of the Torre barracks and it will be there that the soldiers - coordinated by the magistrate on duty of the Torre Annunziata Public Prosecutor's Office - will reconstruct the story: the victim would have had a relationship that lasted eight months, the the last of which is characterized by cohabitation.

In these eight months there would have been continuous harassment and humiliation. The climax would have been reached with a message when he posted on social media after yet another argument, a message in which he referred to the Neapolitan grimace, the woman and the number 77 (year of birth of his partner but also "the legs" according to the Neapolitan tradition ). The woman then decided to end it and close the story. No complaints, despite the 50-year-old's daily attempts to contact her.

The woman had rejected any attempt at rapprochement and, despite the 27 social profiles created by the man - which she had promptly blocked - she saw her ex-partner in front of the entrance door of the house where she had gone to live with her parents . According to what the victim said, she hadn't gone out for days: she had preferred to stay at home out of fear that all those messages and threats to kill her or her father or to set her on fire would come true. The man - who in the past had already been reported for similar episodes by both his first and second wives - was arrested and transferred to prison. His home was searched, in which the military found and seized a dose of cocaine.


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