Dramatic accident for a 67-year-old former restaurateur.

The man had gone to forage wood in a field along a dirt road in Gemmano in Valconca, in the Rimini area but was crushed by the fallen tree.

From what he learned, he would be hit in the chest by the suddenly collapsed tree.

On the spot, in addition to the Fire Brigade and 118 health workers, the Carabinieri intervened to reconstruct the dynamics of the events.

"The last tree on the last day useful for making wood to put in the farmhouse was fatal - commented the mayor of Gemmano and president of the Province of Rimini, Riziero Santi -. Claudio Semprini, known to everyone in Gemmano Cico, was found shortly after by his friend Puti who was suspicious of the little dog Kelli who was barking on the cliff near the jar with the water that Cico always carried with him. Condolences to the family ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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