He used to get sick at work and instead went to protest the Green pass.

Fabio Tuiach, former right-wing city councilor then militant in extreme movements and recently become a fervent Catholic, was fired from the Port of Trieste Port Labor Agency (Alpt): he had been sick for days, and precisely from 19 October, but in reality he was in the square holding speeches.

The former boxer was one of the protagonists of the no Green pass protests: he participated in the protests outside gate 4 and in Piazza Unità d'Italia, where he was seen several times with a rosary on his arm and a large photo of a saint.

"I went out at the times allowed by law for people forced to stay home because they were sick", his defense. But according to the Alpt, the port would have been seen, photographed and filmed at other times as well.

"I have five children, my wife is a part-time clerk: we're going to eat at Caritas", he commented to some local media. "They want to destroy me - he continued - I have been working in the port since I was 18: now I will have my position evaluated by a lawyer and I hope the situation will be resolved as soon as possible allowing me to return to work in the port. I just have to pray, going to pray the rosary in piazza dell'Unità ". A few days ago Tuiach had announced that he had contracted Covid, yesterday he said he was negative.

(Unioneonline / D)

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