"It's sad, my heart weighs heavily, words fail, death is a serious matter, said Totò".

Thus Francesca Pascale, former companion of Silvio Berlusconi, expresses her condolences for the death of the former prime minister.

Pascale, now married to the singer-songwriter Paola Turci, has been next to the leader of Forza Italia for about ten years.

"Today I feel only pain, and that can't be explained," he says in an interview with Repubblica. Adding: «You could have clashed with Berlusconi, argued, but it was difficult to erase him forever. Did you love him or hate him."

Again: "It was my old life, today she died with him," reveals Pascale. «It's a bit as if I had lost my mother again: that was a devastating void. Of course it was also a guide for me.

Then the memory of the years alongside the Cavaliere: «He gave me so much: and of course, not only for the comforts, the luxury that I saw in those years, but for the world that he introduced me to, the scenarios in which I found myself ».

Among the examples, he cites «lunch with Gaddafi. The international recognition of Silvio. Then the shock of seeing him go to the Social Services, the carabinieri came knocking, he kind, I strange. Or that time I met Putin in the corridor.'

At the funeral, Pascale concludes, «I will be one of the many to greet him. A woman who has made her own journey, has gone her own way, serene. But he had his own love for life, I think deep down he understood it ».


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