Four out of ten mothers (42%) between the ages of 25 and 54 do not work and 39.2% with 2 or more minor children are on part-time contracts. Only just over 1 in 10 permanent contracts activated is in favor of women in the first half of 2021. In 2020 alone, more than 30 thousand women with children resigned .

For the seventh consecutive year, Save The Children disseminates the report " The Equilibrists. Maternity in Italy 2022 ", released on the eve of Mother's Day, and which concerns about 6 million "equilibrist" mothers who are divided between family and work life , often unsupported and under a burden of care, exacerbated by the pandemic. Even the slight economic recovery last year was characterized by "gender injustices" : of the 267,775 permanent contract transformations in the first half of 2021, only 38% concern women.

Looking at the total number of contractual activations (out of the total of all activations) in the first half of the year for women (just over 1.3 million), the majority (38.1%) are on a temporary basis; seasonal work (17.7%), administration (15.3%) and, last but not least, the indeterminate (14.5%) follow. Of the more than 2 million contracts activated for men , almost half (44.4%) are on a fixed-term basis, immediately followed by the permanent one (18%). 42.6% of women with children in the 25-54 age group are not employed : a gap compared to men by more than 30 percentage points. The figure changes considerably according to the areas of the country, reaching a peak of 62.6% in the South, 35.8% in the Center and 29.8% in the North.

While the employment rate of fathers tends to increase as the number of minor children in the household increases, that of mothers tends to decrease . Even the data on the validation of the resignations of working mothers and workers fathers of children of 0-3 speak for themselves: out of 42,377 cases in 2020, 77.4% concern women. Working mothers represent 77.2% (30,911) of the total of voluntary resignations, compared to 9,110 for fathers. Out of all the reasons indicated in the validations, the one most frequently reported continues to be the difficulty of reconciling professional life with the needs of childcare.

(Unioneonline / D)

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