The video of Fabio Rovazzi stolen in Milan live on Instagram goes around the web, is picked up by all the newspapers, and after a few hours receives the quite predictable ending : it was all a staging , a publicity stunt to launch his new single " Maranza". Not everyone appreciates it, there is a lot of criticism on social media, not even the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala, who defines his behavior as "arrogant".

«Now, beyond Rovazzi, I believe that we really need to reflect on what type of company we want - he added on the sidelines of the awarding of the City Angels Champion award -. If we want a society in which those who have a minimum of visibility can afford not to respect the rules and the other poor devils have to do so, this is not the society I want, the one in which I want to live ."

«These things should not be underestimated, because I see that there is a degradation in the behavior of civic sense which is obviously a risk for our community - he concluded -. What example do we set for our children? Be smart, stand out and be rewarded with fame and money? It's a very sad example ."

On the hypothesis of undertaking legal proceedings against the singer, 30 years old, from Milan, for having damaged the image of Milan, as suggested by councilor Pierfrancesco Maran: «I don't know, I haven't thought about it – he replied -. First of all, I am interested in stigmatizing and trying to tell all citizens that this is not done. I hope that beyond the first moment Rovazzi will reconsider, because defending himself and boasting, almost acting cool, is something that really doesn't work."


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