Fabio Maria Damato doesn't agree, and in a series of posts published on his Instagram profile he replies to the note issued by the companies Fenice and TBS Crew of the Ferragni brand : " They didn't fire me, I left ."

The former supermanager of the most famous influencer in Italy, the one against whom Fedez had lashed out several times, despite never mentioning his name, considering him among those primarily responsible for his wife's misadventures, therefore abandons his silence and comes out, for the first time and months after the Pandoro case, he came out into the open telling his version of the facts .

Today will be his last day as General Manager of TBS Crew and Chiara Ferragni brand «and for this I want to thank all the professionals who, with their experience and humanity, wanted to support me in this adventure», he explains. «In addition, obviously – he continues – to Chiara Ferragni who called me more than seven years ago to support her in the evolution of her business project, believing in my vision. I also thank all the talents I followed in their evolution, from Marina Diguardo to Francesca and Valentina Ferragni, but also Pietro Terzini, Manuele Mameli and Luca Vezil."

«Last February, after careful and inevitable reflections, I decided to resign (so no, I was not fired) – Damato then specifies – from the companies with which I have shared an incredible professional path, and for which over the years I have given all of myself in terms of absolute dedication, ideas, heart and head, always honoring the values of honesty and correctness that distinguish me. To demonstrate this , I accepted to the end the needs of the companies that asked me to stay until June , despite the fact that the communication operations implemented from 17 December 2023 onwards did not see my involvement ."

On the Balocco case, which sees him under investigation in Milan for complicity in aggravated fraud, Damato specifies: «At this moment I am not allowed to go into the merits of the Pandoro case but since some emails insistently attributed to me have become public, I must specify that none of these email was mine ".

«However, I remain saddened – continues Damato – by how this affair has overshadowed years of hard and honest work done by the companies and people involved. An always uphill job, dotted with many obstacles and just as many successes, which anyone who considers themselves intellectually honest cannot attribute only to chance and luck. I am hurt by the suffering inflicted on employees of all companies who have felt publicly attacked and have seen the companies they work for and consequently their jobs endangered. I emerge exhausted from a certain violence that we have all suffered, especially Chiara Ferragni who I have always respected as a person and leader and for whom the honesty, dedication and affection that I have dedicated no one will ever be able to question."

Finally, a further clarification regarding an alleged millionaire severance package that Damato would have obtained. «Over the months I have read a certain obsession about my supposedly incredible earnings. Unfortunately (for me) not only are the figures circulated on my salary as an employee far from reality, but as a member of the two boards of directors I have not even received those fantastic salaries that are written about, because they are roles that I have held for free until my voluntary exit. To finish in the name of coherence, at the time of my voluntary resignation from all positions I did not request any additional severance pay, much less 4 million euros and nothing more was paid to me other than the social security contributions due by law to any employee » .

«In these difficult months - the conclusion - I have never responded to provocations or incorrect information circulated about me because as an employee I believed it was not correct to do so given the respect for people, hierarchies and the companies I worked for. But today it is also appropriate to rectify that my exit was an autonomous and voluntary choice, and not, as announced by the company, that "the change is part of a process of corporate renewal"".


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