On Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 June, in the Conference Room of its headquarters in Rome, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) will host the ET@INGV workshop dedicated to Einstein Telescope , the large European scientific research project which, in 2023 , Italy has applied to host Enattos at SOS, in whose mines INGV has been carrying out experiments and research activities since 2019.

The meeting scheduled at the INGV headquarters , aimed at researchers from the bodies and universities involved in the project, will have the aim of taking stock of the Institute's participation in ET and strengthening the synergy between research bodies and Universities to jointly support the Italian candidacy and make our country a protagonist.

ET, with the infrastructures of the future “Sardinia Faber” underground geophysical observatory being built as part of the Pnrr Meet project (of which INGV is the lead partner), will have to be hosted in a geologically compatible site for the operation of the largest gravitational wave detector sensitive to the world , identified precisely in the area of the Nuoro mines, where the seismic calm and geodynamic stability contribute to guaranteeing the high quality of the geophysical data collected.

The early June event will also be an opportunity to present INGV's "Earth Telescope" project and to gather the scientific and technological interests of the Institute's community.

During the ET@INGV workshop the researchers will discuss around two Round Tables: "Large projects, scientific perspectives and synergies between entities", moderated by ANSA journalist Enrica Battifoglia, and "Sardinia, Geophysics and Einstein Telescope: open questions and common projects”, moderated by Matteo Serra (Communication Coordinator of ET Italia, INFN).

The event will see the contributions, among others, of Carlo Doglioni (President of INGV), Marco Pallavicini (Vice President of INFN), Roberto Cimino (Ministry of University and Research), Claudio Chiarabba (Director of the Earthquake Department of the INGV), Massimo Chiappini (Director of the Environment Department of the INGV), Enzo Brocato (Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Abruzzo of the INAF), Michele Punturo (Coordinator of the ET Scientific Collaboration of the INFN), Marica Branchesi (Professor of Astrophysics at the Gran Sasso Science Institute and Coordinator of the ET Observational Science Board), Domenico D'Urso (Professor of Physics at the University of Sassari), Enrico Calloni (Federico II University of Naples), Claudia Piromallo (INGV), Giovanni Diaferia (INGV), Irene Molinari (INGV), Maria Marsella (La Sapienza University of Rome).


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