80 years after the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, the ANPI attacks Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. «Once again the Prime Minister omits and confuses – the words of Gianfranco Pagliarulo, national president of the National Association of Italian Partisans -. He does not speak of the responsibility of the Italian fascists, starting with the police commissioner Caruso who was sentenced to death for having prepared the list of 50 people to be killed in the Ardeatine. He does not say that the victims were overwhelmingly anti-fascists and Jews. It is the usual specious rereading of history which always tends to cover up the responsibilities of the fascists and deny the value of anti-fascism. Another missed opportunity."

«Today Italy honors and pays homage to the memory of the 335 victims of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre – said Meloni – terrible massacre perpetrated by the Nazi occupation troops in retaliation for the partisan attack in via Rasella ». «The Ardea massacre is one of the deepest and most painful wounds inflicted on our national community - underlines Meloni - and remembering what happened on that fateful March 24th eighty years ago is everyone's duty».

That day 335 Italian civilians and soldiers, political prisoners, Jews or common prisoners, were massacred in Rome by the German occupation troops in retaliation for the partisan attack in Via Rasella, carried out the day before by members of the Roman GAP, in which they had remained 33 soldiers of the "Bozen" regiment belonging to the Ordnungspolizei, the German police, were killed.


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