He only remembers " so much blood " of that dramatic Thursday morning. He denies having been in via Durazzo but confirms that he was "at the Chinese house" , where he "buffed up the wound of one of the girls". After that, the blackout: two days "wandering around without eating or sleeping, clothes still stained with blood".

A dramatic confrontation that lasted seven hours between the investigators and Giandavide De Pau, the 51-year-old arrested for the murder of three escorts in the Prati district in Rome.

A messy escape that lasted less than 48 hours. The forces of order arrived in De Pau thanks to some testimonies and above all to a phone call made by his sister , who had heard him on the phone. He had mumbled something incomprehensible but which suggested that he had done something very serious . So the woman, knowing that her brother used to frequent prostitutes, alerted the investigators, who took him yesterday morning at 6 from his mother's house in the Ottavia district and transferred him to the San Vitale Police Headquarters to listen to him.

A confused and complex interrogation, during which De Pau with difficulty provided his reconstruction of the facts: «I arrived at that house by car after having spent the night before with a Cuban girl consuming drugs - he told the investigators, often interrupting himself for tears -. I remember being in that house in via Riboty, I plugged the girl's wound. It was the first time I had gone to that apartment with the Chinese girls after an appointment made over the telephone .'

The investigators contested that he had stills of him in his hand near via Durazzo, where Martha Castano, a 65-year-old Colombian prostitute, was killed, but the man on the spot allegedly replied: " I don't remember being there, you accuse me of two murders, it would not make sense to deny a third .'

The suspect says there is a kind of darkness in his mind about what happened after 11 on Thursday morning. «I left that house, I don't remember if I got into the car. After wandering for two days without sleep or food, I went to my mother and sister's house with blood still on my clothes . I was distraught, found a chair and collapsed. I slept for two hours, then the agents came to pick me up."

The magistrates of Piazzale Clodio challenge him for aggravated multiple homicide: of the weapon used, a stiletto, there is no trace and De Pau would not have provided any elements. According to those who investigate, De Pau allegedly attacked the Chinese girl during sexual intercourse: at that point, alerted by the screams, the second Asian woman present in the apartment intervened. De Pau killed her and then chased the other girl, who had attempted a desperate escape completely naked: he slaughtered her on the balcony . Modus operandi similar to what happened in via Durazzo, where Martha Castano was killed with blows to the chest during sexual intercourse .


Giandavide De Pau is due to turn 52 next June and is currently being treated at a Sert. His criminal curriculum vitae is prominent: factotum and driver of Michele "o' crazy", of the Camorra clan of the Sienese who ran the drug store in various districts of the capital .

He was behind the wheel of the car on 30 April 2013 when, near Corso Francia, Senese met Massimo Carminati, the former Nar and Banda della Magliana involved in the investigation into the "Middle World". In a video shot by the carabinieri del Ros to immortalize the meeting, De Pau can also be seen. " Carminati and Senese went to one side to discuss, while De Pau kept to one side talking on his mobile phone ", reads the documents.

In addition to drug dealing, the 51-year-old's past also includes an episode of sexual violence and two hospitalizations in psychiatric facilities . In 2020 he was arrested together with about thirty people: drug trafficking, extortion, possession and illegal carrying of weapons, attempted murder and very serious personal injuries were the charges, aggravated by the mafia method . According to the prosecution, the group to which he belonged had taken possession of some drug dealing squares in the Tiburtino, San Basilio and Tivoli areas.

The murderer also appears in other investigations in which he was accused, among others, of the crimes of robbery, sale of drugs and threats to a public official.


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