"First of all I want to remember the nine victims of the explosion that took place on 11 December in Ravanusa, in the province of Agrigento. To their loved ones, the condolences of the Government and my personal ones go. It is essential that light is shed as soon as possible on what happened to ascertain responsibility. Episodes like this must not happen and are unacceptable. " Thus Prime Minister Mario Draghi opened his communications in view of the next European Council in the Chamber, calling all the victims by name and age.

"I also want to thank - continued Draghi about Ravanusa - the authorities involved - starting from the Mayor and the Prefect, the operators of the Italian Red Cross for assistance to the population. And the rescuers - the Fire Brigade, the Arma of the Carabinieri, the volunteers - who intervened immediately, worked tirelessly and managed to save the lives of two women ".

THE PANDEMIC - "The winter and the spread of the Omicron variant, from the first investigations, much more contagious - he said about the health emergency - require us to pay the utmost attention in managing the pandemic. Infections are on the rise throughout Europe: in the last week, in the EU there have been an average of 57 cases per day per 100,000 inhabitants. In Italy, the incidence is lower, almost half, but it is still growing. The Government has decided to renew the state of emergency until March 31 to have all the tools necessary to deal with the situation. I urge citizens to maintain maximum caution ".

"Today's data describe a very different picture compared to last year - he specified -. The total number of people currently positive for the virus in Italy is 297 thousand. Twelve months ago they were 675 thousand, despite a much higher level of restrictions. 8,026 people were hospitalized. On 14 December 2020 there were 30,860. In the last seven days there were an average of 95 deaths per day. In the same period a year ago there were 629. We must be cautious, but we are approaching Christmas better prepared and more safe ".

"VACCINATING IS ESSENTIAL" - "Today more than 85% of Italians over 12 have received two doses - added Draghi - and about 20% also the third. I want to encourage those who have not been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible and those who took the first two doses to do the third as soon as possible. As the ISS demonstrates, the unvaccinated have an 11 times greater risk of dying than those who received the second dose, and almost 17 times compared to those who did the third. Vaccinating is essential to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our community. And to continue to keep the economy, schools, places of sociality open, as we have done up to now ".

"FOR READY BILLS 3.8 BILLION" - "Since June the government has allocated more than 4 billion" against the expensive bills, the premier specified. “For next year, we have forecast another 3.8 billion and are ready to add more resources if the price trend does not stabilize. For the first quarter of 2022, we cancel the general system charges for household electricity users, for small businesses, for micro-enterprises; we reduce the VAT rate to 5 per cent and we reduce the general system charges for gas; and for the poorest citizens in serious health conditions, there is almost a billion to strengthen the concessions ”.

MIGRANTS - So a nod to migrants, quoting the words of Pope Francis. "The European Council will also talk about migration", he explains, a topic that "Italy poses with absolute determination, also" given the high arrivals in recent months. We will continue to ask for shared, supportive, humane and safe management. The EU must prove itself up to its values, as Pope Francis urged it to do "." It is essential to promote humanitarian corridors "and" it is not enough for Italy to implement them: a clear EU commitment is needed. We need to strengthen the legal channels, they are a resource, not a threat ".

PNRR IN 51 OBJECTIVES - "Next week there will be a control room to approve the annual report on the progress of the PNRR", Draghi wanted to specify. "The document will illustrate the state of implementation of the plan: the reforms undertaken; the investments initiated; the bodies responsible for monitoring and evaluating the measures. The Government will also take stock of the 51 objectives to be achieved by the end of the year, which are largely already achieved and which we are sure to reach all within the foreseen time frame ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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