Don Paolo, no-vax priest dies: "In vaccines aborted embryos"
He had been hospitalized for a month
Don Paolo Romeo, a no-vax priest and parish priest of the abbey of Santo Stefano in the center of Genoa, died at the age of 51 from complications of Covid.
Although friends and brothers tried to make him change his mind, Don Paolo remained convinced of his choice, faithful to the very conservative ideas of the currents to which he was most attached, those of the orthodox Lefebvrians. Like them, he could never have accepted the use "of cells derived from aborted embryos at the origin of some of the vaccines".
Don Romeo had continued to celebrate mass by managing the parish of the ancient Romanesque church that rises in the heart of Genoa, in the district of Carignano.
But last month he contracted Covid. Initially the symptoms had not aroused concern, but his condition rapidly worsened, forcing him to be admitted to the Galliera hospital, a few hundred meters from the church. Hence the death.
Next Thursday the parishioners will be able to pray for him on the occasion of the rosary at 5:30 pm inside the abbey that Don Romeo led, while the funeral will take place on Friday and will be celebrated by the archbishop.
(Unioneonline / D)