If the customer brings the cup, the sugar and the teaspoon to the bar, the coffee will cost only 70 cents.

Like every summer, the "crazy" receipts multiply, between two euros for toast cut in two and very expensive waters. But from the hinterland of Savona instead comes a low-key idea: the owners of the Bottega del caffè, a bar in Millesimo, had it, a 50 cent discount to cut the cost of espresso and encourage consumption.

«The idea came from a joke my dad made about the war that is breaking out in the world of bars and restaurants - explains to Secolo XIX Valentina Venturino, who manages the place in piazza Italia together with her parents Elio and Marina - a chat at home something more came out, a project to promote economic savings and respect for the environment. So we decided to seriously launch a new initiative to bring down the cost of coffee. It seemed to us a good idea to amortize the price increases linked to the increase in raw materials, but without giving up the pleasure of a good quality coffee or breakfast at the bar».

«By bringing the cup from home - continue the owners - we are going to reduce the consumption of electricity and the consumption of water in the dishwasher».


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