Two people have been entered in the register of suspects by the Rome prosecutor's office in the file opened on the death of journalist Andrea Purgatori .

The charge against the two, who work in a diagnostic facility in the capital, is manslaughter .

The prosecutors next week will entrust the task of carrying out the autopsy. And in parallel , the Nas carabinieri are acquiring all the material, including medical records, of the structures in which Purgatori was being treated . These are both public hospitals and private clinics.

Yesterday the news of the opening of the file following the complaint of family members, according to which wrong treatments and diagnoses would have accelerated the death of the journalist who suffered from lung cancer .

"In particular - reads a statement released by the lawyers - the family members have asked for the correctness of the diagnosis reported to Andrea Purgatori in a Roman clinical note to be ascertained and the consequent need for the heavy therapies prescribed to him, and whether, due to the same possible diagnostic errors, the treatments actually necessary have been omitted . The family, represented by the lawyer Gianfilippo Cau, is defended in the proceedings by the lawyers Alessandro and Michele Gentiloni Silveri».


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