He stabbed him several times and strangled him .

Thus Luca Michele Iannello killed his uncle Davide Conforto in Poggiridenti, in Valtellina, in recent days . This is what emerges from the autopsy carried out today in the morgue of the Sondrio hospital by the anatomopathologist Luca Tajana.

The victim is a 62-year-old computer scientist currently unemployed, with a past in Sassari with his ex-partner with whom he had a child .

Luca Michele Iannello, 24 years old, is in prison in Sondrio on charges of voluntary homicide. He hit him with two blows to the neck and two more to the rib cage, plus other superficial stab wounds. Signs of strangulation were also detected .

Investigators are now called to shed full light on the motive for the crime , which the young man confessed to by making a phone call to the police hours later. Further elements could arrive in the next few days from the toxicological and forensic examinations.


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