Two convictions and 8 acquittals, including that of Tiziano Renzi, father of the former prime minister, and of the former minister Luca Lotti .

This is the ruling of the Rome court in the main trial on the Consip case. The judges sentenced former Noe major Gian Paolo Scafarto to one and a half years and Carabinieri colonel Alessandro Sessa to three months , who will also have to pay a provisional amount of 50 thousand euros to the Ministry of Defence.

The acquittals, both with the formula because the fact does not exist and the fact does not constitute a crime, also concern the entrepreneurs Alfredo Romeo and Carlo Russo, the former parliamentarian Italo Bocchino , the former commander of the Carabinieri of the Tuscan Legion, Emanuele Saltalamacchia, the former president of Pubbliacqua Firenze, Filippo Vannoni, and Stefano Pandimiglio.

In the proceedings initiated in 2016, the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office contested, for various reasons, the crimes of boasting credit, influence peddling, attempted extortion, aiding and abetting, forgery, disclosure of secrets . Prosecutor Mario Palazzi, on December 22nd, had requested eight requests for conviction and two for acquittal.


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