She died of fulminant encephalitis at just 2 and a half years old .

It will be an investigation by the Lecce prosecutor's office to assess whether there are professional responsibilities of the doctors for the death of a little girl - which took place on December 29 in the Vito Fazzi hospital in Lecce - due to fatal inflammation, a probable consequence of an influenza virus. The pathology , according to what was reported by the victim's father, would not have been recognized by the doctors of the Gallipoli hospital , where the child had been taken initially on the evening of December 26, with a fever of 41.

The parents of little Ludovica Puce are convinced that there have been shortcomings in the emergency room: left on a bed without treatment and in a state of unconsciousness , she would then have been transferred to Fazzi in Lecce in green code , with a non-medicalized ambulance. Upon arrival, the little girl was immediately examined and given the red code . Subjected to examinations , CT scans and then intubated , she died in hospital .


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