21 convictions , the highest at 14 years and 7 months.

It is the balance sheet of the trial in the first instance of an organization that managed the drug store in the Pilastro area , in Bologna . Also involved was the family of Tunisian origin to whom Matteo Salvini buzzed - during the electoral campaign, on January 21, 2020 - asking if a drug dealer lived in that house .

For the latter, the Gup decided sentences of 2 years, 6 months and 20 days for a man, one year for his wife, four years, six months and twenty days for a child, three months and ten days for another relative. Another son was a minor at the time of the events.

The prosecutor's investigation started with the murder of Nicola Rinaldi , killed in August 2019 in via Frati. According to the prosecution, the association was made up of seven people (plus the minor): they bought drugs (cocaine and hashish), looked for suppliers and places to store the drugs which they then resold on the local square.


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