Forza Italia president Silvio Berlusconi , who has been hospitalized in Milan's San Raffaele hospital since Friday , spent another "quiet" night according to health sources.

For the former premier it was the second night spent in the structure, in the ordinary hospitalization ward, for checks related to the chronic leukemia he suffers from . Next to him is his partner Marta Fascina.

At the moment there are no medical bulletins.

The anticipation of Berlusconi's investigations is due, as has been learned, to anomalous peaks in some values that emerged from routine examinations . As stated in the medical bulletin issued yesterday by professors Alberto Zangrillo and Fabio Ciceri, these are checks "scheduled in relation to the known hematological pathology".

The occasional supporters of the former prime minister reappear who, speeding by car in front of the via Olgettina gate, roll down the windows to shout: "Don't give up" or "Come on, Silvio" . Dotting the perimeter of the San Raffaele are still many of the banners that the fans had brought during the previous hospitalization, which lasted a month and a half.


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