The gup of Bergamo Vito Di Vita has ordered the non-place to proceed because "the fact does not exist" against the former judge of the Council of State Francesco Bellomo, accused of stalking and private violence against three of the four former students of the school for aspiring “Law and Science” magistrates of Bari.

In Bellomo, among other things, there was an objection to imposing a precise "dress code" on female students.

The facts refer to the years 2015-2018. For the fourth episode, the Lombard Gup ordered the transfer of the documents to Massa Carrara, dismissing the accusation as attempted private violence.

The former prosecutor Davide Nalin was also acquitted of the same accusations of stalking and private violence, with the same formula.

Following these events, in the context of the parallel disciplinary procedure, Bellomo was dismissed from the judiciary.

The four past pupils have never filed a complaint or filed a civil action.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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