«I am available to the competent authorities to clarify what happened» and «I will respond exclusively to them» .

Chiara Ferragni wrote this in a note, regarding the spotlight turned on by the judiciary on the charitable initiative linked to the "Pink Christmas" pandoro produced by Balocco and branded by the influencer. Ferragni also explained that he had "trust" in the investigators.

The note from the businesswoman was released, it is explained, "following continuous requests received from various media outlets ", which in recent weeks have asked the businesswoman to comment on the case involving her, in a personal capacity and as CEO of TBS Crew Srl and Fenice Srl.

No intention, therefore, on the part of the influencer, to give interviews, but full availability to the magistrates to shed full light on an affair that has caused a lot of outcry, on social networks and in the media.


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