Balcony Collapses During School Trip: Students Saved, Teacher and Tour Guide Fall
The boys had just returned when the structure collapsed, resulting in the two adults falling five metres.Per restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
Accident during a school trip to Villa Rivani Farolfi in Ro, a hamlet of the municipality of Riva del Po, in the province of Ferrara .
A balcony of the 18th century residence collapsed shortly after the middle school students had looked out onto it . The boys barely had time to return when the balcony collapsed, taking a teacher and the tour guide with it. The two adults fell along with the debris, falling five meters. Rescue was immediate.
The students, all unharmed, were brought back to school while the teacher and the guide were rushed to the hospital in Cona.
The causes of the collapse are currently being investigated.
On site were the firefighters of Rovigo and Ferrara, the 118 with two ambulances and a medical car and the Carabinieri.