Roads closed and international railway interrupted in France, just across the border with Italy and the Frejus tunnel in the Maurienne valley, due to a landslide in the afternoon in Saint-Andrè en Savoie .

Rocks have detached from a mountain ridge, with boulders, earth and other debris that have rolled down the valley. There are no injuries.

According to the French media, 700 cubic meters of rock would have detached and the landslide in its terminal part also affected the departmental route 1006 and the A43 motorway, closed in the section between Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne and Modane. The Milan-Lyon international line between Modane and Chambery was also interrupted.

Trenitalia informs that 4 high-speed trains have been cancelled, two from Milan to Paris and as many in the opposite direction scheduled for today.

Bad weather also struck between Genoa and Savona, with violent storms, flooding in the Ligurian capital and some temporary blackouts . Some atmospheric discharges have disconnected the railway systems in Novi Ligure.


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