Twenty-two people were denounced after a maxi-brawl broke out over old grudges within a Pakistani family, residing in Cerro Maggiore, in the province of Milan.

The rusts have turned into violence on the occasion of the celebration of a holiday.

A discussion, then the tones degenerate and it comes to blows. Kicks and punches, but not only: someone has also brandished improper weapons, such as sticks, a hammer, wrenches.

The result was a maxi-scuffle, with over twenty injured, aged between 17 and 46, who ended up in hospital.

For all, prognosis up to 7 days, with the exception of a 35-year-old, medicated at the hospital of Busto Arsizio (Varese), who reported a prognosis of 40 days for a fractured collarbone.

The carabinieri started investigations into the incident and seized the improper weapons used in the challenge, reporting all the participants in the judiciary.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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