Donald Trump under investigation in the US, also for the revelations and accusations of two porn stars . And many are wondering: how is the wife of the former president Melania reacting to the situation?

To break the top secret aura around the former first lady come the statements of her "former best friend" Stephanie Winston Wolkoff , who reveals to the New York Post: «Melania's silence is deliberate, it is her weapon, her armor protective".

According to Winston Wolkoff, the wife of the New York tycoon lives in an "ivory tower of denial", but obviously "she knows everything about Stormy Daniels (the porn star who accuses Trump, ed.). His silence is his dignity. She will be next to her husband as she always does.'

Still, "I don't think she's humiliated by Trump's reports, but she's angry," Wolkoff tells the New York Post, adding that Melania won't leave her husband, because "theirs is a transactional marriage, she knew what she was getting into when she married Donald."


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