«We have taken charge of Ilaria Salis' case» . This was communicated by the Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights , responding to a "request" from the Italian Prisoners' Guarantor , who had requested an interest from his counterpart in Budapest on the matter involving the Italian teacher of Sardinian origin detained in the Hungarian country .

Meanwhile, Roberto Salis , the father of the 39-year-old detained in a Hungarian prison on charges of having attacked two neo-Nazi militants during a far-right demonstration , explained during an interview with Sky: «They finally allowed her to see the videos that would represent the accusation, a 10 terabyte hard disk that must all be seen because you don't know which piece of the accusation you want to refer to . Until now – added Salis – she had them but had not been allowed to view them, just to frame the scenario in which this process takes place".

«The hypothesis of terrorism never existed - Salis then specified when speaking of the accusations made against Ilaria by the Budapest investigators - my daughter is accused of belonging to a criminal organisation. In the trial documents there are 800 pages of a trial in Germany on an organization, in which my daughter's name never appears, so it is not clear - concludes Salis - why my daughter was involved".


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