" We are one step away from the West sending troops to Ukraine ."

This is the prediction of Hungarian Prime Minister Vikton Orban , published on his Facebook account. «It is a vortex of war that could drag Europe into the abyss. Brussels plays with fire - continues the Hungarian leader -. In Europe the atmosphere is that of war and politics is dominated by the logic of war. I see everyone preparing for war ."

Orban finally specifies that his country will stay out of it: « This is not our war. We don't want it and we don't want Hungary to go back to being the toy of the great powers."

Orban told the Hungarian website Index: «Today in Brussels there is a majority in favor of war. I see preparations for war by everyone, everywhere . The NATO secretary general has said he wants to establish an Alliance mission in Ukraine. European leaders are already involved in a war, they see this war as their war and are waging it as such."

«At the beginning – continued the Hungarian leader – it was just a matter of sending helmets, then sanctions, but not on energy. After the weapons again, but the situation does not improve . Now we are one step away from the West sending soldiers to Ukraine."


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