While the battles are still raging in Donetsk for the conquest of the cities of Bakhmut and Maryinka , Ukraine launched a new attack on Crimea overnight with ten drones .

This was stated - according to what was reported by the RIA Novosti agency - by the governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, on his Telegram channel. «At night, the air defense forces and electronic warfare systems - we read - repulsed another attack on Sevastopol . One UAV lost control and fell in a wooded area, the wreckage was found by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergencies. No structures in the city were damaged."

Meanwhile, the alarm around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is once again rising: "The situation is becoming increasingly unpredictable and dangerous, I am extremely concerned about the real risks to nuclear safety," said IAEA director general Rafael Gross.

"We must act now - he declared on the agency's website - to prevent the threat of a serious nuclear accident and its consequences for the population and the environment . This large nuclear facility must be protected. I will continue to urge all parties to commit to this vital goal and the IAEA will continue to do everything possible to help ensure nuclear safety."

This morning, however , the Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin, who survived an attack yesterday , came out of his induced coma . This was reported by Tass quoting the writer's spokesperson, Yelizaveta Kondakov. “That's fine, considering the situation. He sent his thanks to the family,” the spokeswoman said.


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