Germany is moving towards a lockdown for the unvaccinated, as it prepares to discuss the generalized vaccination obligation for Covid in Parliament.

This is what can be deduced from the statement by Steffen Seibert, spokesperson for Angela Merkel: "Various proposals are being evaluated, such as limiting wider contacts especially for non-vaccinated people, even in private meetings, the expansion of 2G (vaccinated or cured, ed) also in the retail trade and the limitations for large events. Furthermore, a decision will be prepared on a generalized vaccination obligation, in addition to that addressed to categories ".

Thursday 2 December the decisive summit between the State and the Regions to curb a wave that is bringing German hospitals to their knees, in some regions forced to send patients abroad (also in Italy).

Chancellor in pectore Olaf Scholz said he was "in favor" of compulsory vaccination.

In the last 24 hours, over 45 thousand infections and 388 deaths have been detected, while the weekly incidence is 452 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

(Unioneonline / L)

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