After a day of controversy, Pope Francis' apology arrives for the gaffe on homosexuals : «Pope Francis is aware of the articles recently published about a conversation, behind closed doors, with the bishops of the CEI – says a note from the Vatican Press Office -. As he stated on several occasions, “in the Church there is room for everyone, for everyone! Nobody is useless, nobody is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, all of us." The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term reported by others ."

In the closed-door meeting with over 200 Italian bishops, which opened the general assembly of the CEI in the Synod Hall, the Pontiff launched very strong calls for greater selection in access to seminaries, not without using terms also colorful and even pointing the finger - as reported by the Dagospia website, followed by other media - against the excess of "faggotness".

The severe intervention of the Pontiff, which did not fail to surprise those present, is confirmed by various sources. For Bergoglio, therefore, homosexuals should not be allowed in seminaries.

The topic has been the subject of debate for many years , and an instruction from the Vatican Dicastery for the Clergy in 2005 - under Benedict XVI - confirmed in 2016 with Pope Francis, established that «the Church, while profoundly respecting the people in question, does not can admit to the Seminary and Holy Orders those who practice homosexuality , have deeply rooted homosexual tendencies or support the so-called gay culture".

The Italian bishops, for their part, in the last assembly held in Assisi had debated the possibility of more nuanced restrictions, feeling encouraged by Bergoglio's past openness on the topic of homosexuality. Despite many protests, an amendment was therefore approved which limited itself to distinguishing between "acts" and "tendencies", reiterating the obligation of celibacy for all seminarians, homosexual and heterosexual , and thus opening the door of the seminaries to gay candidates to the priesthood committed however to the option of celibacy.

But in an hour and a half confrontation with the prelates, the Pope effectively blocked the way by placing firm barriers against access to the seminary. And to strengthen his opinion and be clear even with a joke, Francis would have explicitly complained about the excess of "faggotness" in certain Italian seminaries.

Reactions have not been lacking from the LGBT world: «The Pope backslides on LGBT+ rights and discriminates against gay seminarians», declared Fabrizio Marrazzo, spokesperson for the Gay LGBT+ Party , and «if this discriminatory declaration is confirmed by the Church, we ask that the Government block the 8x1000 funds". Furthermore, «we would like to understand how gay seminarians will be identified: will they be searched? Will they use the Holy Inquisition? Or will they subject the priests to the hits of songs by LGBT+ singers to see their reactions? All this is not only discriminatory but also ridiculous ." «Standing ovation for the Pope. It's about time. Absit iniuria verbis. Just a few days before Pride. And now everyone should be blessed", the former senator of the League, Simone Pillon, commented on X.


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