Blessing a gay couple is "blasphemy" . This was stated by Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller , a member of the conservative wing of the Church, in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica commenting on the opening of the Vatican . «I say this not on the basis of my official or personal authority but on the basis of the authority of divine revelation - he continues -. In Holy Scripture the apostle Paul states that immoral behavior, including same-sex sexual relations, is objectively the expression of worship of the creature rather than the Creator. We correspond to the 'truth of God' in obedience to the commandments of the Decalogue. To willfully act against it is a grave sin that destroys the life of grace in us, 'and those who agree with this also commit a mortal sin'."

The bishops in Germany but also in other European and American countries approve the opening while many African bishops protest, so much so that there could be a risk of a split . «These bishops who betray Catholic truth and seriously relativize the revealed teachings of the Church cannot be understood - explains the representative of the conservative wing -. The intellectual level of some can be seen from the fact that they feel confirmed in the preparation of official liturgical blessings for homosexual couples, while the document rejects, in full conformity with the entire Catholic tradition, practices of this kind."

Cardinal Müller greeted the Pope with Christmas greetings . «The Holy Father was very kind and expressly thanked me for my testimony. The Pope knows well that I have never seen myself as a courtier who asks for favors or bends his conscience out of fear - he concludes -. A cardinal of the Holy Roman Church does justice to his eminent dignity only if he advises the successor of Peter with incorruptible theological and spiritual competence."


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