The oldest dog ever is Portuguese . Bobi , 30 years old, has reached the exceptional goal thanks to the affection and care that his masters have been able to assure him after having escaped from a certain end as a puppy.

This is certified by the Guinness World Record which replaced it from the Australian Bluey , who died in 1939 at the age of 29 years and five months, the previous holder of the record.

Bobi is a Rafeiro do Alentejo , a breed that has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years . Bobi was 30 years and 226 days old as of February 1 and is said to be doing well for his age , confirmed by the Portuguese government's pet database, maintained by the National Union of Veterinarians.

He lived all his life with the Costa family in the village of Conqueiros near the west coast of Portugal after being born with three brothers in a shack .

Owner Leonel Costa, who was eight at the time, told the BBC his parents had too many pets at the time and had to euthanize the puppies , but the children managed to save Bobi by keeping him hidden away until he was eventually discovered and became part of the family.


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