The electoral campaign in view of the US presidential elections next October is becoming increasingly heated.

And now there is a real open clash between the electoral teams of the outgoing Democratic president Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump.

The latest casus belli , the hiring, by the Democratic entourage, of Robert De Niro for a press conference outside the New York court where the tycoon is on trial for the accusations made by the former porn star Stormy Daniels .

On the occasion, the Oscar-winning actor did not bring up the ongoing debate, but "politically" attacked the Republican candidate, attributing responsibility to him for the assault on Capitol Hill and calling him "a cheat", a "vote buyer" and a "sinner who boasted of his sexual assaults".

Furthermore, «Trump – thundered De Niro – does not want to destroy just this city, but the country and ultimately the world».

The reaction of Jason Miller, spokesperson for Trump's staff, was immediate: «Biden's people did it, in the end. After saying for months that politics had nothing to do with this process, they showed up and did it with an electoral event, recruiting this now washed-out actor ."


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