The competition bill is blocked again, once again for bathing concessions .

Indeed, article 2 of the bill which governs sectors such as waste management, natural gas concessions, local transport, public services, greater liberalization of equivalent drugs, is the point of conflict .

The Government is working on the hypothesis of tenders immediately for the assignment of the beaches still available and a five-year extension of the existing bathing concessions . But while Lega and Forza Italia immediately declared themselves in favor, crossfire from the M5s and also from environmental associations.

Il Carroccio would like to modify the text licensed by the Government, which aims to restore tenders , with an amendment that provides for a 5-year extension of the entry into force of the new system of bidding for bathing concessions and a pre-emption for the old concessionaires . The Cinquestelle Movement instead defends the wording of the article as it was issued by the Council of Ministers. Also because, argue the pentastellati, a new extension of the old regime means sending Italy into infringement and losing the money of the Next Generation EU .

Prime Minister Mario Draghi had already promised an intervention in the autumn after the sentence of the Council of State which in November set the limit for the extension regime on 31 December 2023 . But the knot has been gradually postponed and now Italy, if an agreement is not found, runs the risk of a maxi EU sanction .

The majority managed to reach an agreement on 31 of the 32 articles of the proxy law , and a final rush with a vote in the commission was hypothesized in these days, but yesterday at the end of the last meeting for the bathing concessions there is no nothing could be done and a new stop and a deepening was necessary. The arrival in the classroom thus postponed to next week .

The positions of Lega and M5S still seem distant. "We are also helping tourism entrepreneurs" says Matteo Salvini . "A further extension to 5 years appears surreal - write M5s deputies in the EU Politics Commission - indefinitely postponing the races based on the mapping" of the bathing concessions. "Providing a 'golden power' for beaches means trivializing the concept of national security, which would only be a screen for the lobbies that have been blocking reforms for decades", they add, rejecting "any possibility of an extension, which would be dismantled in every court of law. 'Italy as already established by the Supreme Court ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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