The shield effect of vaccines is felt on the Omicron variant also in Sardinia - 3,198,152 doses administered so far on the island - and allows the most important parameters of the epidemiological framework to be saved. Yesterday, however, a new confirmation of the fact that the contagion is constantly growing: 1,549 were the new cases of positivity confirmed ( HERE THE BULLETIN ), an increase of 20 percent compared to the day before (1,296).

THE NUMBERS - The total number of infections touches 104,400, a year ago they were almost 35 thousand, now 69,455. And the hospitalizations, confirms Ferdinando Coghe, medical director of the Aou of Cagliari, go up dramatically in the last period. But people die less than a year ago: on January 14, 2021 there were ten deaths compared to 3 (two more than the day before) yesterday, when the total reached 882 (they were already 875 a year earlier). Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been more than 1,750 deaths.

“Having nearly 1,800 cases in one day, as has happened recently, has meant that hospitals have filled up and hospitalizations have been rising dramatically in the last period - explains Coghe -. Today there are many more cases having abandoned the precautions that were initially adopted, people were more afraid before and were more careful. Now, thanks to the do-it-yourself antigenic swabs and the behaviors held at Christmas and New Year, we are faced with a flood of infected people, precisely because Omicron strikes in a very short period of time: it is very serious for the health system, but if people do not he understands that we are in a pandemic and has no respect for himself and for others, if we do not make this cultural leap, we will end up ”.

In Sardinia, as in other regions of Italy, most of the current patients are no vax or fragile patients.


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