Off to the questions for the Universal Civil Service in the ACLI and those of Southern Sardinia present their projects in various sectors: environment, assistance to the less fortunate and the elderly, integration, fight against early school leaving, social and cultural promotion. 41 places are available for young people between the ages of 18 and 29, deadline February 10th at 2pm.

Each project has a duration of 12 months, foresees a working time of 25 hours per week and a monthly allowance of 444.30 euros.

«Today, having the opportunity to put yourself to the test by offering one's time and one's skills to the community is a very important opportunity – says Giacomo Carta, president of the ACLI of Cagliari -. The Civil Service allows young people to acquire skills that can be directly used at a working level and deal with a contract that provides for rights and duties: from working hours to holidays to pay. Also for this reason, like Acli, we believe the Civil Service to be fundamental in a society like the current one, in which young people arrive in an increasingly fragmented world of work, not always aware of their obligations but not even of what it is right to expect from employers work".

«The Universal Civil Service is one of the most important tools for the provincial ACLI of Cagliari - adds Federica Sirigu, responsible for the ACLI Cagliari civil service -, not only because it allows us to carry out our mission on the territory with greater strength, but also because it allows us to regenerate our strength through the involvement of young people who decide to make this choice of responsibility and growth: in fact, often our volunteers remain in our association and continue the action with us on the territory».

The ACLI, to inform young people about the projects, have organized a series of orientation meetings: the first is scheduled for Wednesday 18 January in Cagliari, in the viale Marconi 4 headquarters, starting at 6pm.


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