Low employment rate and high precariousness, the job market in Sardinia is suffering: the numbers are below those of the rest of the country, which itself is not doing so well.

The analysis of the numbers is done by the island's CGIL, on the eve of May 1st, which should be Labor Day. According to Istat data, the employment rate has gone from 54.9% (2023) to 56.1%, therefore there is growth, but it is struggling to reach the Italian average, already behind in comparison with the most competitive European countries, above 60%.

Employment grows for women while that for men remains stable, with one clarification: these are values that do not compensate for the different participation in the labor market between genders (63% compared to 49.1%). The analyzes on the quality of the demand for work by companies, as shown by the INPS data on new hires in 2023, confirm the prevalence of precarious or fixed-term employment relationships.

Stable contracts are just 11.2% of total hirings. The disadvantage is on the shoulders of female workers: 45.4% sign a precarious contract compared to 41% of workers, a percentage that reaches 88.8% of fixed-term contracts (86% of men). This condition generates a perception of insecurity even among women who have a job, perhaps even a stable one: 5.4%, about one percentage point more than men, believe they could lose their job in the next six months. months and have little chance of finding another.
In addition to women, young people remain among the most vulnerable: although growing compared to the previous year, the employment rate between 15 and 24 years old is just 18.5%. Added to the difficulties of inclusion is precariousness: 9 out of 10 employment relationships involving young people were not stable. Faced with this scenario, the more educated either adapt to a less qualified job compared to their level of education, or choose to emigrate to regions or countries where skills have value.

It is no coincidence that the CGIL is dedicating this May 1st to collecting signatures for the four referendums promoted by the union: «Restoring centrality and value to work is for us the meaning of this great day of mobilization», said the general secretary of the CGIL Sardinia Fausto Durante underlining that «work must recover dignity and security, and this Labor Day, with the referendum campaign, we want to finally mark a turning point». Wherever possible, the union will collect signatures for the four questions against precariousness, easy dismissals, the jungle of contracts and subcontracts.

«In this context», adds Durante, «the measures announced by the government in the decree of 1 May do not seem capable of determining positive developments: the one-off payment on thirteenth wages will only be valid for 2025 and the expected reduction in contributions for new hires has already demonstrated not to have an influence, except in a marginal way, in companies' staff growth programmes".


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