The new municipal council of Tortolì has officially taken office after the elections of 28 and 29 May. The first assembly was held this afternoon in the former Falchi block mill and lasted 20 minutes. Just enough time to appoint the executive.

The deputy of Marcello Ladu, 45, mayor of Psd'Az, is Luigi Cardia (48), a member of the Brothers of Italy and vice president of the Court of Lanusei. The mayor has conferred on the lawyer, in his absolute debut in the Council, the councilor's delegation for budgeting, planning, taxes, collection, general affairs, marital status, demographic services. To Irene Murru (46), an employee, who comes from the opposition benches, the councilorship for social services, Plus, school service, voluntary work, associations. Rita Cocco (35) is the new councilor for culture, sport, social policies and events. He is also the owner of the Tourism Department which Tortolì had not had for eight years. Fausto Mascia (57), trader by profession, who returns to the Council after four years, has been appointed councilor with responsibility for Urban Planning, Suape, private construction, cadastral services, popular housing and civil protection. Vincenzo Nieddu (60) is the new Councilor for Public Works. The shortlist of powers also includes public works, services and technological systems, maintenance of archaeological heritage and identity.

"Stay close to us in the interest of our community which we have the honor to represent", was the message at the meeting. The appointment of the prime minister was postponed to the next session.

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