"You have made a serious choice." Thus Massimo Cannas, the lapsed mayor of Tortolì, unleashes fiery words against the four majority dissidents who, joining the five opposition councillors, have pulled the plug (a year and a half early) on the municipal administration.

In the crosshairs of the former mayor, elected for the first time in 2014 and confirmed in 2019, are his former council colleagues: Walter Cattari, Lara Depau, Carlo Marcia and Bonaria Murreli. For a few days Tortolì has been hit by a political earthquake similar to that of 2013, when a group of dissidents, including Cannas himself, dismissed the mayor of the time, Mimmo Lerede.

Who now, as leader of the opposition, has reserved the same treatment for his successor. «The choice is serious - says Cannas - because it comes at a time of particular fragility of our Municipality due to the lack of the 2023 forecast budget. This lack, in fact, slows down and partially paralyzes administrative activities. Unfortunately, the risks and consequences of these resignations will most likely be paid for by our fellow citizens and businesses".

The former mayor is already looking forward to the spring electoral appointment, although he will not be able to aspire to the office of mayor having already held two consecutive terms. "I reassure you that our commitment will not end with this conciliation, but will continue in order to help identify a new mayor and a ruling class that can only guarantee the general interests of our community".

Further in-depth analysis in the full report on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands

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