They had shot and killed a wild boar that had been snared. The same fate had reserved for a fox, killed only for "fun". They hunted by poaching, without a firearms licence, but that's not all: they filmed their "prowess" with their cell phones.

And it was precisely the images and videos found on the phone seized from the youngest of them that framed three 47, 53 and 55-year-old farmers from Villacidro , reported by the carabinieri of the town's company for crimes related to poaching.

The device was confiscated last March. Evidence of the crime emerged from the analysis of the contents of the memory. The charges, let the Arma know, range from the "illegal possession and carrying of common firearms and ammunition, to hunting without having obtained a hunting rifle license, to wild boar hunting by unauthorized means".

The animals were captured with metal cables. And if they didn't die after a long agony or wriggle, the shots were fired. Among the prey also a fox, taken by a snare and killed not to be eaten but, the carabinieri communicate, "just for fun".


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