The Surgery activity of San Francesco di Nuoro has been suspended since yesterday and "until a later date", after the absence of three surgeons for parental leave: from eight specialists there are now only 5, including the primary, a shortage of personnel that paralyzes the functionality of the department.

"Following the communication from the director of the Surgery OU that reports an insufficient number of doctors to be able to guarantee basic levels of care - writes in a note the director of the Nuorese hospital Grazia Cattina - it is communicated that the San Francesco is temporarily suspended "urgent hospitalization activities and the election of patients with surgical problems. We therefore ask that patients be sent to other hospitals".

Immediate request to the extraordinary commissioner of the Assl of Nuoro Gesuina Cherchi and Ats to activate the emergency mobility with the recruitment of doctors from other regions. A dramatic situation for the hospital considered the third health center in Sardinia: it serves 153,000 citizens of the province of Nuoro but having ultra-specialized professionalism within it, it also attracts patients from Ogliastra, Goceano, Gallura and Oristanese.

The few doctors on duty are forced into grueling shifts and continuous availability. And more than one prefers to leave. But surgery is not the only ward in the collapse of the San Francesco. The director Cattina puts it in black and white in her latest communication: "The hospitalization activity in the Orthopedics department is also suspended and the Angiography service is not active during the afternoon at night. Furthermore, the activity of the Digestive endoscopy during the night and during the day before holidays and holidays ".

There is no shortage of positions. "If President Solinas and Councilor Nieddu want to dismantle the San Francesco di Nuoro and San Camillo di Sorgono hospitals, let them say so explicitly", thunders the regional councilor of the Democratic Party Roberto Deriu. “We will fight to save them. For too long, the two hospitals have been in a serious state of emergency, up to the suspension of activities, a situation that limits the right to health causing often fatal consequences ".

"I was taken for a catastrophist because three years ago I raised the alarm of the risk of closure but what I feared is coming true - writes the deputy of the Democratic Center Mara Lapia - Where will the citizens of the area go now? There will be time to save lives The truth is that the unsustainable claims of availability towards doctors made them run away. I cannot accept this, I will be with my breath on your neck, I will be your thorn in your side ", promises the parliamentarian addressed to Solinas and Nieddu.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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