The sensational protest implemented by the 90 patients of Sulcis guests of the Carbonia Dialysis landed in the Region, the management offices of the Health Department: they gave up a few hours of therapy in order to save their ward from collapse due to the serious shortage of staff .

The institutional and political forces that participated with the patients in the demonstration that took place in front of the ward, translated today into a document born from the position taken by those who were present at the sit-in, that is, by some new council groups of Carbonia "Carbonia Avanti ”,“ Article One ”,“ Development and Environment ”and by the regional councilors Fabio Usai and Michele Ennas.

The document is a harsh indictment against the Region which calls for the activation of "decision-making policies to implement health services, including Carbonia Dialysis, and to institutionalize nocturnal dialysis considered at risk for some years now". The protest organized by the APENT risks repeating itself within a short time if immediate answers are not received from Cagliari. Meanwhile, at least one new nurse has been sent to the ward.

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