«Twenty years after the inclusion of OSS in hospitals, it is not tolerable that they are not present on night shifts. Enough is enough: nurses and midwives cannot be exploited and demoted to make up for the lack of hiring of social and health workers." The reason for the planning of the strike, called by Nursing Up, of the staff of the Brotzu hospital sector in Cagliari lies in the words of the regional manager Diego Murracino: the employees will abstain from work for 24 hours on February 1st. A demonstration has also been called for 10am in the square in front of the hospital.

«I can only express my full support for the legitimate reasons that led the Nursing Up Sardinia coordination to proclaim a day of strike», says the national president of the union, Antonio de Palma, who adds: « We are faced with inconvenience, disorganization and inequity, for our professionals who have been before the eyes of the community and regional politics for some time: these are facts that go beyond the territorial areas of Sardinia, and which we now denounce on a daily basis, throughout the national territory".

The main reason, which will lead nurses and midwives to fold their arms "is the very serious shortage of socio-health workers in the day shifts, and the total absence in the night shifts, for both health facilities, Brotzu and Businco".

This reality, if on the one hand generates a constant and structural demotion, "as it forces our professionals to take on tasks that have nothing to do with their professional profile", on the other hand "it forces them to overcome , with exasperating workloads, the limits of human tolerance, with serious risk for their priority mandate, and therefore for assistance to citizens".


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