The national and regional Democratic Party visits the Bancali prison in Sassari. «We felt the need to do so - MP Silvio Lai, flanked by the president of the regional health commission Carla Fundoni and regional councilor Antonio Spano, declared this morning in the press conference in the dem headquarters in Viale Mazzini - after the many attacks against prison officers in recent days ».

Lai focuses on the government's alleged shortcomings: «Many proclamations but little has been seen. Furthermore, in Bancali there continues to be a director and commanders on mission even though Minister Nordio and Undersecretary Delmastro had promised to resolve the situation." There are 480 prisoners, of which 90 in 41 bis, but the police force does not make up for the prison population in numerical terms. "At least 100 officers are missing, and as for inspectors there should be 70 but only 10 percent are present."

The other emergency is the health one. «There are four doctors - reports Fundoni - but they should be at least double. I also raise the problem of doctors' remuneration because Bancali cannot be the Cinderella of healthcare." Even at a specialist level the shortcomings are different. «There is no cardiologist and this is very serious. Furthermore, the critical issues in this sense are also a burden for the healthcare sector in general." Fundoni proposes a first step. «A fact-finding investigation into all Sardinian prisons, so as to identify the problems».

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